RETURNING PLAYERS: A returning player is one who played full-time in the Fall or Winter session of hockey. Your are also a returning player if you were playing full time with the league BUT have been unable to play the last two sessions due to a medical condition.
NEW PLAYERS: A new player is a player who has not played in the league or has not played as a full-time player the previous Fall or Winter sessions of hockey AND who is available to play immediately. This is not a wait list, it is an active roster of available players who may be called upon to play one or more games, filling in for a missing player. The club does not have an active wait list therefore, if you are not available to play, PLEASE do not apply.
GOALTENDERS: A separate registration process has been implemented for goaltenders.
© Copyright Peterborough Seniors Hockey Club "For the fun, the sport, our health and friendships"